A Compilation-Chart Method for Linear Categorial Deduction
Recent, work in ca.t;eg(Mj gr;mmt;~r has seen proposals for a wide. r;Lltg(~ O[ sys-. 1 Introduction This t)al)er present;s a method applicalle to parsing a. range of cal;egorial gramm~u' formalisms, in pa. ]994), where|)y 1;he. I;yi)es in a pr()of are asso(:ial;(!d wil;h labels under a Sl)e.eiti(;d diseiI)litte , l;he la.bels iS(x;, for cxanLlile , the ['orma.lisnls devcqoped ill
منابع مشابه
3 A Compilation - Chart
Recent work in categorial grammar has seen proposals for a wide range of systems , diiering in their`resource sensit-ivity' and hence, implicitly, their underlying notion ofìinguistic structure'. A common framework for parsing such systems is emerging, whereby some method of linear logic theorem proving is used in combination with a system of labelling that ensures that only deductions appropri...
متن کاملMemoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing
The multiplicative fragment of linear logic has found a number of applications in computational linguistics: in the "glue language" approach to LFG semantics, and in the formulation and parsing of various categorial grammars. These applications call for efficient deduction methods. Although a number of deduction methods for multiplicative linear logic are known, none of them are tabular methods...
متن کاملAn Earley-style Predictive Chart Parsing Method for Lambek Grammars
We present a new chart parsing method for Lambek grammars, inspired by a method for DTree grammar parsing. The formulae of a Lambek sequent are firstly converted into rules of an indexed grammar formalism, which are used in an Earley-style predictive chart algorithm. The method is non-polynomial, but performs well for practical purposes much better than previous chart methods for Lambek grammar...
متن کاملMaximal Incrementality in Linear Categorial Deduction
Recent work has seen the emergence of a common framework for parsing categorial grammar (CG) formalisms that fall within the 'type-logical' tradition (such as the Lambek calculus and related systems), whereby some method of linear logic theorem proving is used in combination with a system of labelling that ensures only deductions appropriate to the relevant grammatical logic are allowed. The ap...
متن کاملProceedings of the COLING - ACL ' 98 Joint Conference ( The 17 th InternationalConference on Computational Linguistics
The multiplicative fragment of linear logic has found a number of applications in computational linguistics: in the \glue language" approach to LFG semantics, and in the formulation and parsing of various categorial grammars. These applications call for eecient deduction methods. Although a number of deduction methods for multiplicative linear logic are known, none of them are tabular methods ,...
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